Friday, October 12, 2007

The dinner - bet

Oh ya, if you guys knew about the bet which I was betting wid ma parents,, or if u dun know.... you can check out the previous bet.. well they won the FREAKING BET. The garden Was, WAS..... I SAID beautiful when the bet expires,BUT now, NOw!!!!

there are... weeds growing all over. being a person who ..ahem....

" teeth treated as gold" ...LOL..translate to a famous canto proverbs......meaning..." do what i say i will do"... i brought them makan la....

So few months back ( i think it was July) ,that they were having a good time at the Jap Retaurant in Bangsar. I forgotten what was the name of the Restaurant, but from the smile on their face , you can see that they are pretty much enjoying the Feast...

So here is abby ( my youngest sister) thumbs up!

i wish i had a video recorder to record what she said. it was funny..i can't exactly remember what she said but it goes something like this "che, ( as in sis), we should eat more jap food, means we should have more betting, cause whether u guys win or lose, i can still eat jap food..."

anyways...... you can see that she's having a blast!

mum was also there of course, she wouldn't want to miss out, well not to enjoyed the food but to let me know that she is the Winner! so here goes to the winner:

Mum : Ha! I WON now! (This is my signature smile)
Esther : i'm jus tagging....

it was fun.. but i guess i wont end here..i will surely bet again! this time i MUST win!


Anonymous said...

your signature smile is from your mom ? or is that her signature smile ? haha ..

niss.. said...

lol, didn't notice that also, well its her signature smile....

Anonymous said...

Eh? Sudah makan liao... Liddat i support yr mum next time, maybe I get to makan also...wahahahha :D