Thursday, January 25, 2007

I can't talk

My worse nightmare is not when I fall sick or if I lose my job, my worst nightmare is when I CAN’T TALK……

I’m having a bad ulcer on both side of my tongue, and the pain is frustrating me!!! What worse is that, the ulcer is so huge that everytime I talk, It will rubs against my tooth…at some times, the ulcer would rub deeply against the tooth and some juice would be extracting out from the ulcer……causing excruciating pain… its PAIN PAIN PAIN! Okay okay I know it sounds nasty…..but there is nothing wikipidea or google can say to explain this stupid pain..or others, just healthy diet, drink more water, eat more fruits....(DUH~) who doesn't know that??

It’s affecting my speech now, I look like some 1 year old baby trying to talk a few sentences …my boss must be wondering that I’m nuts….or that he hired a moron who have some speech defect…

How long is this pain going to take…(*** sigh**)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

man, you actually took pic of your ulcer? that looks hurting!!
