Thursday, January 4, 2007

A time for reflections –‘06

Actually, I supposed to post this blog on or before the years end, but what the heck?? I jus wanna make sure that my feelings get poured out here…..

There is a lot that I have done during this year, and there is also relationship that I’ve started and ended this year, there are moments of happiness as well as ..not those happy one….. I’ve also learned to appreciate that there is more to life than what we have now and to cherish your loved ones as well as your friends….
Trust me, you can have tonnes of friends but true true friends are not more that your five fingers!!!

As for the one I loved, I’ve always love them, but sometimes in my life, I tend to take things for granted and neglect what God has actually blessed me ….so what have I learned for the year 2006? What have I achieved? Did I make the right decision? Any regrets?

Let just say that year 2006 is a year of reflections for me,….I’ve done it all:
1. Achievement……good achievement!!! And the not so good ones….
2. Decision, yes….the right and sometimes the wrong
3. And regrets….??well…I Don’t have any regrets.. because I know everything happen for a reason and by growing up I will learn.

I dun wanna live the same life in the same space year after year… so Good bye Year 2006 …2007 will be a brand new start…and i will make sure i'll live up to it!

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