Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Lately, I’ve been very determine to go through transformation. Transformation for better of course. Nevertheless, transformation is a process that takes a very long time and the process is never easy. And although I’m not enjoying it now but I know the outcome will be superiffic ..

“ Privilege is given to those who are willing to go through transformation”

that’s what my Pastor said, he preached that Sunday, I felt that he was actually talking to me.

For a healthier life:

- to drink a glass of water before and after bed ( I sometimes forget this procedure and only end up drinking only the latter part at night)

- stay away from coffee and try to minimize to drinking only one a day... be it coffee, tea or any caffeinated drinks

- eat at least one fruit a day; which is still very impossible to achieve even as I’m writing my blog, I’m till munching on cookies.. macadamia nuts and chocolate chip..mmmmm yummy

- oh ya, CUT DOWN on munching activities, be it cookies, desserts, cakes, muffins; nuts, crackers, salads with overloads cheese and mayonnaise dressings, it should be just salads with no dressings and drink loads of juice or whatever which is kosong la without sugar.

- to cut down on spicy food ( SAMBAL PETAI, nasi lemak, curry laksa, rendang, nyonya rice) which is very very very difficult. Did I said that it was VERY DIFFICULT?

For better prospect at work:

- to set a to do list and check item every morning and before I leave for work;( I hope I can really achieve this)

- to buy a palm/ or pocket pc to store all my data ; so that I can hand carry anywhere and contact all the important person…

- to make a list at the end of the day of what I’ve learned, who was the most fun to interact with and how it contributed towards the success in my life.

- to stop arguing wid my boss because it would jus spell disaster for me;

To be a better person:

-to admit my mistake

- to dress down and try not to be over the top;

- to be at home at least 24 hour(so far I have not been at home for 24 hours yet) I feel the urge to go out most of the time…

- listen actively which most of the time I have failed….( yeah yeah I know )

- to spend more time with my family and friends instead of jus work and work

Undergoing process and its effect :

- spending more time with family and having yum cha session wid friends now ..sounds like good networking but keep slacking at work ...

- manage to make a to do items list everyday but failed to tally the items completed with those that are pending at the end of the day

- succeeded in abstaining from caffeine a whole day but feast crazily during the weekends which is not good….

- I’ve used most of my money shopping so I guess I’m still saving to buy me a pocket pc…keep saving!!!

So, as you can see, transformation is not easy and I’m doing my best to do what I can achieve, sometimes I get really tired, especially the caffeine addict part..i go crazy and I would fantise myself having a sip of coffee or tea and it will totally de-stress me out IMMEDIATELY, but then again without coffee also makes me go to bed early and be early for work; WHICH ALSO MEANS a good and healthy lifestyle..

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